Retail Week Interiors - Tintin 75th anniversary books rocket into the UK

Publishing house Egmont is rolling out 250 of its Tintin rocket-shaped merchandising units to support in-store marketing activity surrounding the 75th anniversary of the Belgian comic hero.

Designed and manufactured by Leicester-based interior equipment manufacturer Antone, the rockets will be installed at independent and high street stores, including Ottakar's. A number of the displays is also destined for the Canadian market.

The units, measuring 7ft (2m) tall and holding about 120 books, originally saw the light of day more than 10 years ago. According to Antone, the books have become 'children's contemporary classics'.

A collection of notes and sketches for what was to be the final and unfinished Tintin story will be published in May, and will accompany the promotion.

An exhibition of Tintin's adventures at sea will also kick off at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich.