Stanford increased his holding after buying a 35 per cent All Saints stake from the company's founder, Stuart Trevor. Stanford and Icelandic investment group Arev Management have acquired a 60 per cent stake in Ghost, where founder Tanya Sarne retains one third of the shares.
As a result of the All Saints share acquisition, Stuart Trevor and co-founder Kait Bolongaro will resign from their respective roles with effect from December 31 and will no longer be involved in the running of the company.
Stanford said: 'I am very pleased to have been able to take up this stake. Stuart and Kait have created an extremely successful fashion brand and we are excited about the possibilities.'
Tanya Sarne, who founded Ghost in 1984, will continue to have full-time responsibility for design at the label. Stanford said: 'Ghost is a unique fashion label with a great deal of exciting potential. I am really looking forward to working with Tanya to grow the label and continue its must-have appeal.'
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