International News - In-store ads get boost with vision tracker

Supermarkets will soon be able to optimise shelf displays based on the world's first portable view analysis device.

Scientist Ernst Pfleger unveiled the portable Viewpointsystem in Vienna this week, and said it can make store adverts and displays more effective.

The device tracks what catches a person's eye when walking past posters, ads and shelves in supermarkets.

According to Pfleger, the system is so accurate it can tell if a person is looking at something the size of a pack of cigarettes at a distance of between 160ft and 190 ft (48m to 57m).

The device has two cameras mounted on a pair of glasses. One observes the wearer's eyes, the other the direction of his gaze. The images are then calibrated to find out where the person is looking.

Until now, such tests could only be carried out in specially designed laboratories.