Fran Minogue
Fran Minogue is managing partner of retail search specialist Clarity
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‘As retail media grows, the roles of chief marketing officers are evolving rapidly’
Marketing directors must embrace the skills needed to stay competitive in a new era of retail, observes headhunter Clarity’s Fran Minogue and Callum Loader
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‘Retail pay is rising at record levels – something’s got to give’
The investment case for technology increasingly stands up because people are becoming more expensive, observes Fran Minogue
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‘Founders rarely make effective chief executives’
Successful company founders need to know what they are good at and what should be left to more experienced managers, argues Clarity’s Fran Minogue
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‘Retail operations has become the training ground for successful CEOs’
A retail operations background is increasingly the training ground for successful chief executives, says Fran Minogue
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'Be bold - game-changing hires can add real value in a recession'
Cancelling or postponing key appointments is a false economy. Investment in people is a relatively small outlay and can make all the difference, says Clarity founder Fran Minogue
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‘How can you plan three years ahead in today’s topsy-turvy retail world?’
Retailers are now better able to respond rapidly and with more confidence to volatile conditions, says search specialist Clarity managing partner Fran Minogue.
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‘Recruitment crisis calls for new employee value proposition’
The changed world of work means in a tight labour market retailers need to engage or re-engage with their people before someone else does, believes retail search specialist Clarity’s managing partner Fran Minogue
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‘Retailers are encouraging Christmas shoppers back in store with excitement and theatre’
Currys, Kingfisher and Primark are just three of the retailers demonstrating the importance of the store to boosting customer engagement this golden quarter, writes Fran Minogue.
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‘The Amazon effect, excess space and the pandemic are driving retail evolution’
If we cast our minds back 20 years or more, most brands had very few standalone sites, preferring to operate via wholesale or concessions in department stores.
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Fran Minogue: ‘2020 could be seen as the lost year – but look what we found’
A year ago almost to the day, I wrote an article exploring how retail chief executives were grappling with the challenges of Covid-19 and starting to plan for a post-pandemic world.
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Fran Minogue: Retail leadership lessons for our stop-go times
There was a horrible novelty to the first lockdown. We’d never been there before and the first priority was colleague safety and then to focus on keeping operations going.
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Opinion: Reimagining retail for post-pandemic world
Change has been forced upon us – both good and bad – and we have yet to determine how much will stick. Understanding which consumer trends will prevail is critical to future investment decision-making and building competitive advantage.
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What next? Asos, Boots and Pets at Home bosses on the post-pandemic future
You will be relieved to hear that I’m not writing about the current situation – we’re all deluged with information already and anything I wrote would be out of date before you read it.
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Opinion: Embrace innovation to unlock your people's potential
With all the doom and gloom in the retail sector, I thought it would be uplifting to write about something positive – innovation and purpose.
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Opinion: Founders bring authenticity – lose them at your peril
With all the recent activity, it seems a good time to review the role of founders in retail brands and when, if ever, they should step aside.
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Opinion: Alexa, is voice the next frontier in retail?
Over the next few years, voice technology will transform how we search, communicate and shop.
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Opinion: Redefining retail talent for the digital age
Today more than ever, chairs and chief executives are seeking our advice about structuring their organisations to compete in the digital age and what the right leadership model should look like in future.
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Opinion: Don't ignore the seismic shifts in global retail
As we obsess about the rapidly changing shape of British retail, we are in danger of missing the bigger picture.
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Cash-strapped retailers need to focus on self-help
So it’s all doom and gloom on the high street, and unless you have gazillions to spend on cutting-edge tech, you might as well lie down and wait for Amazon to finish you off!
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Opinion: Fran Minogue on retail's reinvention
As retailers of different stripes and vintages seek to build greater levels of loyalty and customer engagement, two key trends are emerging: online to offline and the provision of services as well as products.