Marks & Spencer has joined forces with the four UK home nations’ football associations to promote healthier eating.

M&S Food marketing director Sharry Cramond and England men's football team manager Gareth Southgate

M&S Food marketing director Sharry Cramond launched the campaign with England men’s football team manager Gareth Southgate

The deal, spotlighting Marks & Spencer’s Eat Well range and including pitchside and kit sponsorship, is designed to show that “healthy and balanced doesn’t have to be quinoa and kale”.

The ‘Eat well, play well’ partnership will “link the eating habits of much-loved footballing heroes to how they play, promoting positive healthy-eating messages for kids in a way that’s engaging, relatable and drives change”, M&S said.

M&S’ tie-up with the England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland football associations and their teams will include the sharing of top players’ and managers’ favourite recipes and eating regimes, as well as free fruit for children in stores.

England men’s team manager Gareth Southgate said: “Through our partnership with M&S Food and Eat Well, we are aiming to help families across the country make healthier eating choices using the power of football. 

“We believe the fuel and recovery habits of all England players play an important role in their development and performance, and partnering with M&S Food on joint initiatives will help inspire and influence this across the England teams from men’s, women’s, youth and disability teams.”

New Marks & Spencer chief executive Stuart Machin said: “By harnessing the influence of the players as role models, we want to encourage children and families to make healthier food choices through choosing Eat Well.”

The initiative will go live in stores from July. M&S carries approximately 2,000 Eat Well products, identified by a flower logo, each of which has “a health benefit and supports a balanced diet”.

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