Debenhams has continued to increase its clothing market share, while Marks & Spencer has made gains and Next’s market share losses have slowed.

According to the latest clothing market share data from TNS, seen by Retail Week, the total market value of fashion sales was down 5 per cent in the 12 weeks to April 29 and volumes were down 7.9 per cent.

Volume declines were most acute in womenswear, which fell 9.4 per cent as the sector begins to come up against tough comparatives.

Debenhams made further improvements in its market share this month, increasing share year on year by 11 basis points on a 52-week basis, versus an 8 per cent rise the month before.

On a 24-week basis, it increased share from an 11 basis points rise to a 14 basis points increase. Menswear was strong, up 3 basis points, but womenswear fell 1 basis point.

Meanwhile, M&S’s 52-week market share fell 6 basis points year on year, against a 13 per cent fall last month. The retailer improved 3 basis points on a 24-week basis, versus a 9 per cent fall last month.

Over 52 weeks, Next’s market share remained consistent, with a 16 basis point fall against a 17 basis point fall last month. 24-week data improved to an 11 basis point fall, versus a 14 basis point fall in the previous month. Womenswear lost about 2 basis points of share while menswear gained 1 basis point month on month.

Lehman Brothers analyst Christopher Walker said: “Overall, all three retailers showed a slightly better month-on-month performance, with M&S gaining share, as did Debenhams. Next continues to focus on markdown management, while slowing its market share losses.

"Initiatives by Debenhams to address menswear appear to be working well and with easy comparatives appears to be taking share across the board. Volume names such as Primark and New Look continue to slow, as volumes slow across the sector.”