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Pets at Home boss: we must look at ‘every lever’ to mitigate budget costs
Pets at Home boss Lyssa McGowan told Retail Week that the business would have to consider “every lever” as it looks to mitigate new costs imposed on retail by the Budget.
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Who we are We provide the most comprehensive business intelligence on the UK retail industry. With our deep analyst knowledge and strength of relationships throughout the retail ecosystem, we translate data and trends into important implications and actionable insights. Be empowered to validate your business model, make confident decisions and ...
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Retail Week Awards 2023: Sponsorship
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Retail Week Awards 2023: Awards tickets
These are the Retail Week Awards 2021 - Awards tickets terms of business within the terms of business for Retail Week, which is operated by William Reed Ltd.
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General Terms of Business
These are the general terms of business for Retail Week, which is operated by William Reed Ltd.
Events Terms of Business
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Awards Module
This is the awards module within the terms of business for Retail Week, which is operated by William Reed Ltd.
Advertising Services Module
This is the advertising services module within the terms of business for Retail Week, which is operated by William Reed Ltd.