Tesco has launched a triple Clubcard points scheme for high-spending customers.

Cardholders have been issued with coupons entitling them to extra points. The initiative, which follows a scheme enabling shoppers to double the value of Clubcard vouchers in certain areas, has prompted speculation that Tesco may shift permanently to greater rewards.

The triple points promotion, running for three weeks, comes a year after Tesco doubled the number of points earned on every £1 spent, the Financial Times reported.

Evolution analyst Dave McCarthy said in a note: “Is this a test market for Tesco going to ongoing triple points either permanently or perhaps in the run-up to Christmas?

“Double Green Shield stamps led to treble stamps which in turn led to huge costs and major problems at Tesco in the 1970s. We hope Tesco is not considering going to treble points permanently – this would mean Tesco starting each week with a cost of £15m-£20m and would make Clubcard one of the biggest costs the company faces after employment costs and costs of goods sold.”

However people familiar with the situation said the promotion did not indicate a permanent move.