Retail Solutions - PCMS targets dishonest cashiers

Java champion PCMS has signed an exclusive UK supply deal for a loss-avoidance system from US software company Trax.

Announced at the Retail Solutions Show in Birmingham, the company, which specialises in Java-based EPOS, claimed that the new Smartstore Trax software is one of the few solutions that can make any impact on the 1.7 per cent shrinkage losses suffered by UK retailers every year.

PCMS stated that more than half of store shrinkage occurs through company employees, and said that Smartstore customers can expect a reduction in shrinkage of at least 15 per cent.

The system tracks and compares anomalies occurring at the till throughout the retailer's stores. Reports are then delivered to store managers, who are responsible for acting on any warnings.

As well as installation, PCMS also trains store managers in cashier counselling and enables them to set up cashier excellence schemes.

The idea is to separate cashiers into three groups. The top group of honest and diligent employees are rewarded with recognition. The next group are flagged by the system, but could be contributing to shrinkage through simple mistakes. They can be counselled and hopefully will improve.

The third group of employees are, according to PCMS, the ones deliberately putting through multiple voids or failing to ring through certain items on purpose.

'We find that once the system has been installed, a proportion of cashiers leave the store's employment suddenly,' said PCMS vice president Chris Belk. 'But overall, costs are cut considerably. It hurts nobody unless they are dishonest.'