All articles by Michael Poynor – Page 3

  • Opinion

    Bricks and brands


    My last article focused on the transience of retail brands versus the resilience of those in consumer goods (adieu Ratners; re-bonjour Perrier).

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    Brands and mortar


    The 20th annual Retail Week Conference last week featured a self-deprecating tour de force by the former owner of the most calamitous brand in Retail Week’s lifetime.

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    Retail success is precision engineered


    I am writing this on a flight to New York heading for the NRF’s 100th Annual Convention. I’m well aware of the need to stay au courant with the sector - not least when writing for Retail Week - but my copy of the latest magazine had not arrived on ...

  • Michael Poynor

    A meeting of retail migrants


    Some 1,000 participants migrated to Berlin last week for the World Retail Congress. And as migration, in a sense, was a congress leitmotif, Berlin was the perfect location. Ring-walled from access for millions of its nearest neighbours over decades, this city is now the cosmopolitan meeting point über alles.

  • Michael Poynor

    Brazil finally comes of age


    The Goldman Sachs Conference in New York last week assembled a powerful line-up of more than 50 leading retailers.

  • Michael Poynor

    The mobile is the medium of the message


    “The medium is the message”. Marshall McLuhan’s dictum, which defined the post-Second World War marketing era, has become more pertinent than ever in this age of the worldwide web.

  • Michael Poynor

    Adopting a consumer goods outlook


    This reflection of FMCG brands’ best practice by major retailers can also extend to how they structure their organisations or would like to be perceived.

  • Michael Poynor

    All change or business as usual?


    Last month’s political TV debates at home, and volcanic quakes overseas, are both dramatic cases in point; and the emergence of a credible third choice for government in the UK could prove just as seismic as the eruption of an ash cloud across European airspace.

  • Michael Poynor

    Retail’s best are coming from FMCG marketing


    Many retail executives with initial FMCG careers can establish their credentials as brand marketers turned super-marketers.

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    Retail needs more women in top jobs


    It’s hard to refute the accusation that tokenism and sexism still underpin the bedrock of many a board structure

  • Michael Poynor cutout

    Here’s to another decade of evolution


    At the close of the millennium’s first decade, it’s timely to cast an eye, both back to 1999 and forward to 2019. Parallel leitmotifs arise from opposite directions, across the channel and across the pond.

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    Can retailers deliver the goods?


    The postal strike has cast the spotlight strongly back onto the doorstep and with it the abiding challenge of ecommerce; the ‘Last Mile’, that final hurdle of fulfilment for pure-play and multichannel alike.

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    A new age of reason


    Visits in the past two weeks to the US and Australia have unearthed encouraging signs to counter the fears of a recessionary pandemic that abounded 12 months ago.

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    In celebration of stores’ worker bees


    Ubi mel ibi apes is a classical adage for our age. Literally meaning “where there is honey there are bees”, it is a metaphor for the effort that lies behind success and the sweet reward for those who support it.

  • MichaelPoynor

    Price-conscious retail with a conscience


    Conspicuous consumption is giving way to conscientious consumption. This is not just a sign of recessionary times but the dawning of an era, says Michael Poynor

  • MichaelPoynor

    Stick to your knitting – but knit well


    It seems apt on May Day to reiterate Jon Moulton’s alarmist view that “very few recessions of this depth have not ended in war”.

  • Opinion

    Staff engagement is vital in recession


    Arguments apportioning blame for the recession, whether on the inmates of Downing Street, the boardrooms of global banks or elsewhere, risk becoming academic and mired in partisanship. Only one thing is clear: no matter whose fault it is, it is our recession now.