Marie Curie sets 30-store target

Marie Curie Cancer Care is seeking stores in areas where it is under represented, as part of an ongoing nationwide expansion programme.

Retained agent Alder King is looking for up to 30 stores in better locations, reflecting the improvement the charity retailer has made in its fit-out and retail offer. Alder King retail partner Nigel Gibbons said: 'While Marie Curie is represented across the country, there are areas where that is quite thin.'

Stores are being sought in Solihull, West Midlands and northwest London, where the charity has taken an assignment on 54 Golders Green Road from Clinton Cards.

A store in Hampstead, north London is an acquisition target for Marie Curie, which operates a hospice nearby. Stores are also being sought in Salisbury, Wiltshire, the South coast and several Scottish locations.