Mental health: How JLP, WHSmith and Co-op are supporting their staff

Co-op Nightclub

Source: Co-operative Group

Businesses are waking up to their responsibilities to support and protect their employees’ mental health. Retail Week looks at which businesses are setting the bar in mental health support and what others can learn.

Almost half (47%) of UK workers have gone into work while experiencing a mental health condition in the last 12 months, according to The Working Well Report, which was published in May and backed by Centre for Economics and Business Research and YouGov data.

Some 40% of respondents said this had a big impact on their ability to be productive and 29% believe their employer would not support them if they were unwell due to a mental health condition.

As the UK’s largest private-sector employer with around 2.9 million people working within the industry, retail arguably has a larger care of duty than most.


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