- Opinion
‘Body Shop shows standing still is the most dangerous thing you can do in retail’
Retailers such as Lush and Rituals show the kind of mentality that bricks-and-mortar retailers need, by giving customers an experience they can’t get on a screen, maintains Natalie Berg.
- Opinion
'Shein is the epitome of mindless consumption'
Shein is now a major force in the fashion world and should clean up its act, argues Natalie Berg
- Opinion
‘When do we stop calling Amazon a retailer?’
Amazon’s varied and growing revenue streams mean that selling ‘stuff’ is increasingly incidental to the tech giant’s business proposition, Natalie Berg observes.
- Opinion
‘Contrary to popular belief, stores are a retailer’s best assets’
The unprecedented, pandemic-induced shift to online shopping has dominated industry discussions over the past 18 months - and rightfully so.
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Opinion: Coronavirus – what retailers do now will define them in the future
As 21st-century consumers, we’ve gotten used to having the world at our fingertips. Then seemingly overnight, all the stuff we take for granted is in question – access to healthcare; groceries on shelves; the ability to travel, go to school, socialise with friends.
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Opinion: Next gets that the future of ecommerce is stores
To be relevant in retail today, you have to acknowledge that stores are no longer purely about selling.
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Opinion: Don't believe the hysteria over till-free stores
We all know it’s only a matter of time before Amazon Go reaches UK shores. Trademarks have long been registered, the rumours have been flying and, having debuted in New York City earlier this month, it’s fair to say that Amazon has an appetite for urban expansion.
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Natalie Berg: The Ocado-M&S deal is a wise move
These days, in retail it seems the only constant is change. Here are three reasons why the Ocado-Marks & Spencer deal makes sense.
- Opinion
The shift from buying to renting is revolutionising retail
Whenever I give talks on the store of the future, I always sum up with this line: the store won’t just be a place to transact but also to eat, play, work, discover, learn and borrow.
- Analysis
Analysis: What is ‘the Amazon effect' really?
The phrase ‘the Amazon effect’ brings to mind images of boarded-up shops and retail bankruptcies.