Martin Newman
Martin Newman is founder and executive chairman of multichannel consultancy Practicology.
- Opinion
Opinion: Customers will hold irresponsible retailers to account
There is serious commercial and reputational risk to not addressing social responsibility head on. But for most retailers it is frequently treated as a tick-box exercise.
- Analysis
Analysis: How retailers can create a digital culture
In this exclusive extract from his new book, 100 Practical Ways to Improve Customer Experience, Martin Newman highlights how businesses can stay relevant in the new environment.
- Opinion
Opinion: Customer-centric culture should be top of menu
Does your business spend more time thinking about its strategy or its culture?
- Opinion
Opinion: Retail must put customers in the driving seat
We all know retail is a difficult place to be right now. Consumer expectations have been raised to an extremely high level by disruptive brands such as Amazon, Asos and Wiggle et al.
- Opinion
Opinion: Winning the battle for customers
In today’s fast-changing multichannel environment, retailers must follow the rules of engagement to emerge victorious.
- Opinion
Opinion: How Alibaba is really reinventing retail
I’m sure, like me, most of you find China a bit of an enigma. Therefore you probably also don’t really know what Alibaba is all about.
- Opinion
Every retailer needs a strategy for going up against Amazon
I’m a ‘practicologist’, and while not a soothsayer, I do have a reasonably good idea of what’s coming down the track.
- Opinion
Opinion: Social media isn't just about being social
The “feedback” British Airways’ customers posted online and the airline’s largely inadequate responses show how big businesses can still get social media very wrong.
- Opinion
Opinion: Time to trade in the ‘Great Mall of China’
Brexit, the fear of a declining domestic market and Amazon’s impending move into Australia are just some of the factors driving China market entry to the top of retailers’ wishlists.
- Opinion
Opinion: Engaging shoppers in the m-commerce world
Retailers can prosper this year if they focus on the elements they can control, while running parallel streams of activity to drive their businesses forward.
- Opinion
Opinion: Brands can learn how to sell from retailers
Retailers ask themselves what future role their stores can play in order to stay relevant to customers.
- Opinion
Opinion: Corporate social responsibility as a marketing tool is outdated
Gap’s ‘Red’ campaign is 10 years old. However, it’s unclear who buys heavily-branded products to support the retailer’s work fighting AIDS.
- Opinion
Opinion: Investment rather than cost-cutting will help retailers navigate Brexit
I have been giving a lot of thought to the implications of Brexit for retail and the strategic options available to retailers.
- Opinion
Opinion: Why stores are becoming more important in a digital world
In an increasingly digital world, retailers are asking themselves what future role their stores can play in order to stay relevant to customers.
- Opinion
Opinion: Beware, there’s a predator in the retail jungle – it’s Amazon
As the online retail giant continues its march into new categories and widens its delivery offer, how will the rest of the industry compete?
- Opinion
Opinion: The marketing mix is dead. Long live the customer mix
When it comes to retaining your customers for the long term, rather than just for Christmas, retailers need to consider the ‘6 Ws’.
- Opinion
Retailers should follow the customer service model of the leisure sector
Retailers need to think of themselves as service providers and proactively anticipate the needs of their customers, like the best hotels do.
- Opinion
Many retailers still only pay lip service to true customer service
Are customer at the heart of all you do? Lots of retailers have this in their mission statement but only pay lip service to it.
- Opinion
Comment: Is Black Friday more trouble than it is worth?
Black Friday’s high-profile promotion caused logistics chaos for some retailers but presents undeniable opportunities for others.
- Opinion
Comment: Why customer relationship management is no longer enough
Customer relationship management (CRM) is too focused on transactions and now retailers must build two-way relationships.