Live shopping: When should retailers brave its murky waters?

Illustration of a person buying products on their phone

Despite being one of the most promising new commerce channels, livestream shopping has had a lukewarm reception from established retailers in the UK. Retail Week explores whether the phenomenon will take off here and how retailers can tell if it’s the right time to get involved

A multipack of toilet rolls gently rotating on a plinth, a rail full of coat hangers adorned with hair extensions and a woman with four electric massage machines strapped to her legs, all furiously wobbling in unison. These are just some of the sights you’ll be greeted with if you decide to scroll through a live-shopping app today.  

It might sound like a ropey virtual market stall right now, but livestream shopping has been hailed as one of the most promising new retail channels, already capturing the attention of many established brands around the world, which have committed to growing their live audience. 


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