Like-for-like sales at Peacocks moved ahead 4.3 per cent, but remained static at Bonmarché, while Fragrance Shop increased like-for-likes by 2.5 per cent.
The company said Peacocks continues to be driven by an increasing fashion focus and its refurbishment programme. 'In particular, our womenswear ranges continued to achieve outstanding growth. Peacocks refitted 26 stores during the quarter, with 86 per cent of stores now operating in our new format,' the retailer said.
Initiatives include new, segmented 'classic', 'contemporary' and 'fashion' ranges and a low-cost refurbishment programme.
The retailer accelerated its roll-out of The Fragrance Shop format, growing its store count to 60 shops, and hopes to bring increasing economies of scale to the business.
'Unlike last year, we did not have the benefit of Easter falling in our first quarter. Despite this, we achieved good sales growth accompanied by strong margin enhancement. This represents a satisfactory start to the year,' said Peacocks chairman Gavin Simonds.
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