Tesco like-for-likes inched up in its first quarter as its sales were boosted by its merger with Booker.
UK and Ireland sales rose 0.8% on a like-for-like basis and 1.3% on a total basis, reaching £11.16bn. However, UK total sales dipped 0.4%, though like for likes rose 0.4%.
Booker drove growth with like for likes up 3.1% and total sales up 12.4% to £1.51bn.
Tesco attributed the performance to investments in price, range and loyalty that it made as part of its ‘100 Years of Great Value’ campaign.
Online sales rose 7% with the proportion of customers choosing to click and collect increasing to over 10%.
The grocer highlighted Booker’s improved fresh food, flowers and drinks offer, which it said helped to drive sales.
The group experienced torrid trading in Central Europe where sales fell 7.9% to £1.29bn. In Asia, total sales rose 2.6% to £1.24bn while like for likes crept up 0.1%.
At a group level, like for likes rose 0.2% and total sales were up 0.4% to £13.97bn.
Chief executive Dave Lewis said: “We have had a strong start to the year, growing ahead of the UK market on both a volume and value basis. Our customer offer is more competitive than ever, with a wider choice of our ‘Exclusively at Tesco’ products now available in more stores, helping to drive more than 10% sales growth across the range.”
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Tesco like-for-likes nudge up as Booker boosts growth
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