Food, clothing and furniture price inflation recorded record rises for November, helping drive the Consumer Prices Index up by 3.3% overall.

The increase compared to a 3.2% rise in October, the Office for National Statistics reported.

Food and non-alcoholic drink prices were up 1.6% between October and November, lifted by fruit prices which increased by 7.5%.

Clothing and footwear prices rose 2% and the furniture, household goods and maintenance category showed a 1.6% increase powered by furniture and furnishings which rose 3.7%.

Capital Economics chief European economist Jonathan Loynes said the rise reflected increased commodity prices in food as well as other likely drivers.

He said: “These increases might largely reflect temporary timing effects ahead of January’s VAT hike. Note that measures of inflation supposedly stripping out tax effects remain stubbornly low at around 1.5%.”