Inditex has been urged by investors to make its full list of suppliers public to better assess supply chain risks. 


Clothing retailers are under increasing pressure to prove supply chain transparency but Zara remains mute on the issue

Zara owner Inditex is facing pressure from asset managers and shareholders to follow in the footsteps of H&M and Primark to disclose their full supplier list, according to Reuters. 

Inditex is an outlier among the major fashion brands in not publishing the names of the factories from which it sources product and clothing retailers are under increasing pressure to prove that their supply chains don’t harm the environment or use child or forced labour. 

Inditex publishes the number of its suppliers across 12 core countries annually but does not yet disclose individual factories. 

Adidas, H&M, Hugo Boss, M&S, Nike, Primark and Puma are among the businesses that already disclose detailed lists of factory names and addresses. 

Dutch asset manager MN told Reuters: “In our engagement with Inditex one of the things we ask is if they could disclose a list of their suppliers and the geographical location.

“Even though Inditex assures us that they have this data available, up until now Inditex is not willing to disclose this information unlike some industry peers who publish extensive supplier lists.”

Inditex declined to comment.