All articles by Stephen Robertson – Page 2

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    The compliance costs of devolution


    I sense that devolution is entering a distinctly different and more vigorous phase of its development. The reasons aren’t the same in every nation but there’s a growing feeling of muscles being flexed.

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Taxing big stores won’t save small shops


    “It is only fair that the largest, profitable businesses make a greater contribution and if this helps sustain businesses in many of our town and city centres that is an added advantage.”

  • Stephen Robertson

    We need partnerships, not talking shops


    Cracks and leaks are my starting point and no, this isn’t about winter pipework precautions.

  • Stephen Robertson

    Government’s fresh thinking is welcome


    One million tonnes of food and packaging waste prevented. That’s the result - just announced - of a commitment made by the UK grocery retail sector in 2005.

  • Stephen Robertson

    Concrete evidence of retail’s worth


    The UK should be a place “where starting an enterprise or creating a job - even just one job - is genuinely valued by society”. That was Vince Cable speaking a couple of months ago. So how much value should be attached to 22,000 new jobs?

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Don’t let them get away with it


    The good news is attacks on cash delivery vehicles are down to their lowest level for seven years. The bad news; there are still 10 a week across the UK. So, lots achieved but more to do and a real need for the new Government to work with us to ...

  • Stephen Robertson

    Lobbying with a hung parliament


    What will be different about lobbying in a hung parliament?

  • Stephen Robertson

    Break down the cross-border barriers


    UK consumers are Europe’s biggest online shoppers. Most other EU states are way behind so there’s a lot of future business out there and many retailers want to tap into it. But it’s often not that easy, says Stephen Robertson

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    The ombudsman is a regulatory empire we can do without


    In my dictionary, bureaucracy is next to burden and the planned supermarket/supplier ombudsman would be a definition of both.

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Don’t tie consumer credit in knots


    It threatened to be like giving the loan sharks an arm and a leg: Government proposals for implementing the Consumer Credit Directive that would have made buying on credit such hassle that many customers would have been driven away from established retail lenders to the less scrupulous, “unregulated” sector.

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Politicians need to play the long game


    “Nice idea, but you’re a dreamer if you think it’ll ever come off.” The words of one Government official to me in a recent meeting. 

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Swine flu crisis planning is in hand


    The BRC’s been planning for a possible pandemic as long as London’s been preparing to host the 2012 Olympics.

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Helping the high street fight back


    Tomorrow, July 4, is Independents’ Day in Swansea. It’s an annual festival to get more people shopping in the city centre and the evidence suggests it doubles footfall.

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Unreasonable returns laws need rethink


    Many unhappy returns – and sometimes no returns at all. When it comes to online and catalogue retailing, there’s a whopping imbalance between the obligations the law places on traders versus customers

  • Stephen Robertson cutout

    Further supply chain regulation is folly


    Are you aware of the high drama around Tom’s sausages? Fans have been taking a lot of interest in them as the subject of some tough supermarket negotiations on Radio 4’s The Archers.

  • Opinion

    Retail has grown to giant proportions


    “Until now, retailing has been an economic giant, but a political pygmy.”