Fashion retailer Ted Baker has signed Kewill Solutions to improve its supply chain links with several retailers.
Aside from its 25-plus own-brand stores, Ted Baker has boutiques in Selfridges, House of Fraser, John Lewis and Open.
The retailer has awarded Kewill a managed service contract to support an information exchange between itself and its retail partners. The solution enables partners to electronically share sales data with Ted Baker, irrespective of the type of Enterprise Resource Planning software they are running.
'The system reduces administrative costs and the potential for manual errors through its data screening process,' said Ted Baker finance manager Charles Anderson. 'It also provides real-time data on sell-through, helping us to analyse which products are selling well.' At the same time, Ted Baker's retail partners receive up-to-date pricing data through the system.
According to Ted Baker IT manager Dustan Steer, one of the main reasons for choosing the system was its ability to cope with multiple protocols and file formats, enabling IT staff to concentrate on other core processes.
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