Unhealthy eaters not waking up and smelling the decaf skimmed milk lo-cal sugared coffee
Shoppers are ignoring health warnings on diet, according to a new report from the IGD. The report found that 61 per cent of UK shoppers felt their diet is always healthy, with only 11 per cent admitting that their diet was not healthy. More than 10 per cent of the population do not even bother to think about the nutritional value of the food they buy.

Few people refer to a weight chart, with most judging their weight by the people around them (30 per cent) or by whether their clothes fit them (26 per cent).

IGD chief executive Joanne Dennry-Finch said: 'We have found that most people do not realise or do not want to accept that the headlines of an increasingly overweight nation apply to them and therefore their motivations to change are very low.'
