Joel Blackmore
- Opinion
Comment: What Apple's latest iOS updates mean for retailers
Apple just hosted its annual huge developers conference, WWDC where, among other things, it released key details about the latest update to iPhone and iPad devices - iOS 8.
- Opinion
Comment: What happens when your fridge does your food shopping
In our not-too-distant future our fridge will never let us down. Our fridge will know that the RFID-tagged cheese has run out, order our favourite brand for us, and handle the delivery.
- Opinion
Comment: Why you should buy into virtual reality
Virtual reality is one of those terms we’ve heard for a really long time, but it has always seemed like tomorrow’s technology. However, it’s actually here, now, and starting to gain some real momentum.
- Opinion
Comment: CES 2014 and the rise of wearable technology
CES, biggest consumer technology show in the world, has been and gone, giving us the products that will define and shape our 2014.
- Opinion
Comment: What are iBeacons and why should retailers care?
If you follow mobile tech or digital retail news, you will have heard about a mysterious new technology called iBeacons that seems to be being billed as changing everything in retail.